Wikipedia:WikiProject Ancient Near East/Popular pages

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This is a list of pages in the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject Ancient Near East along with pageviews.

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Period: 2024-03-01 to 2024-03-31

Total views: 36,592,285

Updated: 04:28, 4 April 2024 (UTC)

Rank Page title Views Daily average Assessment Importance
1 Jesus 591,776 19,089 FA Top
2 Alexander the Great 462,743 14,927 GA High
3 Julius Caesar 369,572 11,921 B Low
4 Roman Empire 349,086 11,260 B High
5 Moses 332,139 10,714 B Low
6 Anunnaki 295,075 9,518 GA Mid
7 Crucifixion of Jesus 278,776 8,992 B Mid
8 David 244,726 7,894 B Top
9 Augustus 229,295 7,396 FA High
10 Mary Magdalene 216,739 6,991 GA Mid
11 Book of Enoch 212,643 6,859 B Top
12 Lilith 212,066 6,840 B Low
13 Ten Commandments 202,404 6,529 B Top
14 Ark of the Covenant 202,321 6,526 B Low
15 Jerusalem 195,240 6,298 B Top
16 Judas Iscariot 189,694 6,119 B High
17 Achaemenid Empire 187,158 6,037 C Top
18 Saint Peter 184,733 5,959 B Mid
19 Pontius Pilate 184,316 5,945 B Low
20 Resurrection of Jesus 180,438 5,820 B Top
21 Babylon 176,988 5,709 C High
22 Mary, mother of Jesus 171,905 5,545 B Low
23 Michael (archangel) 170,505 5,500 C High
24 Seven Wonders of the Ancient World 168,878 5,447 C Mid
25 Paul the Apostle 161,841 5,220 B Mid
26 Abraham 161,345 5,204 B Low
27 Mesopotamia 159,360 5,140 C Top
28 Allah 157,715 5,087 GA Mid
29 Levant 157,132 5,068 C High
30 Arabic 154,000 4,967 C Mid
31 Lucifer 153,521 4,952 C Low
32 Bible 151,124 4,874 B Mid
33 Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 150,111 4,842 C Low
34 Nephilim 146,793 4,735 C Low
35 Canaan 145,088 4,680 B Low
36 Ramesses II 144,865 4,673 C High
37 Sodom and Gomorrah 140,622 4,536 B Mid
38 Solomon 140,202 4,522 C Top
39 Apostles in the New Testament 136,247 4,395 C Mid
40 Petra 136,004 4,387 C High
41 Satan 133,737 4,314 GA Low
42 Yahweh 127,496 4,112 B Top
43 Saint Joseph 125,596 4,051 B High
44 Göbekli Tepe 118,715 3,829 B Top
45 Noah 118,656 3,827 B High
46 Odyssey 116,877 3,770 GA High
47 Sumer 115,923 3,739 C Top
48 Torah 113,970 3,676 B Low
49 Trojan War 113,779 3,670 B High
50 John the Baptist 113,122 3,649 B Low
51 Cyrus the Great 113,070 3,647 C Top
52 Adam and Eve 111,993 3,612 C Low
53 Leviathan 111,701 3,603 B Mid
54 Mediterranean Sea 111,572 3,599 B High
55 Dead Sea Scrolls 110,084 3,551 B Mid
56 Abrahamic religions 109,846 3,543 C Mid
57 Macedonia (ancient kingdom) 109,549 3,533 FA Mid
58 Hebrew Bible 108,791 3,509 C Top
59 Methuselah 107,567 3,469 GA Low
60 Tower of Babel 105,701 3,409 C Low
61 Moloch 105,324 3,397 B Low
62 Dragon 105,074 3,389 B Low
63 Book of Revelation 103,292 3,332 B High
64 Battle of Thermopylae 102,850 3,317 GA Mid
65 Plagues of Egypt 102,842 3,317 B Mid
66 Noah's Ark 101,113 3,261 C Mid
67 Hanging Gardens of Babylon 101,100 3,261 C High
68 Troy 98,647 3,182 C Mid
69 Phoenicia 98,525 3,178 B Top
70 Beelzebub 97,734 3,152 C Low
71 Iliad 97,074 3,131 C Top
72 Lord's Prayer 95,064 3,066 C Top
73 Date of the birth of Jesus 93,729 3,023 C Mid
74 Cain and Abel 92,905 2,996 C Low
75 Jacob 92,585 2,986 B Mid
76 Herod the Great 92,484 2,983 B Low
77 Xerxes I 91,767 2,960 C High
78 Epic of Gilgamesh 91,193 2,941 B High
79 Nicodemus 90,754 2,927 C Low
80 The Book of Clarence 90,019 2,903 Start Unknown
81 Israelites 89,686 2,893 C Low
82 Garden of Eden 89,454 2,885 B High
83 Bronze Age 89,155 2,875 C Mid
84 Aramaic 88,423 2,852 B High
85 Antichrist 87,771 2,831 B High
86 Adam 87,670 2,828 C Low
87 Asmodeus 87,478 2,821 C Low
88 Seraph 85,207 2,748 C Mid
89 Baal 84,886 2,738 C Mid
90 Old Testament 83,682 2,699 C High
91 Twelve Tribes of Israel 83,028 2,678 C Mid
92 Philistines 82,545 2,662 B High
93 Enoch 81,458 2,627 C Low
94 Homer 80,986 2,612 B Low
95 Hellenistic period 80,883 2,609 C High
96 Ptolemaic Kingdom 79,261 2,556 C High
97 John the Apostle 77,821 2,510 B Top
98 Nebuchadnezzar II 77,482 2,499 GA Top
99 New Testament 77,472 2,499 C Top
100 Elijah 75,767 2,444 B Low
101 Joseph (Genesis) 75,747 2,443 B Mid
102 Queen of Sheba 74,187 2,393 B Low
103 Historicity of Jesus 73,036 2,356 B Top
104 Gilgamesh 72,763 2,347 GA High
105 Nineveh 72,488 2,338 C High
106 Zipporah 72,092 2,325 C Low
107 Goliath 71,735 2,314 B Low
108 Scythians 71,626 2,310 C High
109 Nimrod 70,859 2,285 C Mid
110 Assyria 70,403 2,271 C Top
111 Hittites 69,486 2,241 B Top
112 Ishmael 69,477 2,241 C Low
113 Iron Age 69,366 2,237 B Low
114 Book of Genesis 69,324 2,236 B Top
115 Nefertiti 68,376 2,205 B Mid
116 Gog and Magog 68,365 2,205 B Mid
117 Parthian Empire 68,306 2,203 FA Top
118 Inanna 68,219 2,200 GA High
119 Lazarus of Bethany 68,057 2,195 C Low
120 Number of the beast 68,030 2,194 C Low
121 Passion of Jesus 67,986 2,193 C Unknown
122 Darius the Great 67,646 2,182 GA Top
123 Demon 67,121 2,165 C Top
124 Solomon's Temple 66,917 2,158 C High
125 Seleucid Empire 66,306 2,138 B Low
126 Curse of Ham 65,505 2,113 C Mid
127 Ham (son of Noah) 65,164 2,102 B Low
128 Jericho 64,697 2,087 B Mid
129 Beirut 63,905 2,061 B Mid
130 Names of God in Judaism 63,840 2,059 C Low
131 Samson 63,615 2,052 GA Low
132 Chronology of Jesus 62,726 2,023 B High
133 Second Temple 62,524 2,016 B High
134 Esther 62,378 2,012 C Top
135 Gospel 62,107 2,003 B Low
136 Melchizedek 62,085 2,002 B Mid
137 Midian 61,183 1,973 C Mid
138 Cherub 61,157 1,972 B Low
139 Sea Peoples 60,882 1,963 C Mid
140 List of minor Hebrew Bible figures, A–K 60,414 1,948 List Mid
141 Devil 60,328 1,946 C High
142 Cain 60,161 1,940 B Mid
143 Samael 60,023 1,936 B Low
144 Pharisees 59,968 1,934 C Low
145 Cuneiform 59,550 1,920 C Top
146 Joshua 59,054 1,904 B High
147 Temple of Artemis 59,039 1,904 C Mid
148 Akkadian Empire 58,953 1,901 B Top
149 Harrowing of Hell 58,822 1,897 C Mid
150 Matthew the Apostle 58,670 1,892 C Top
151 The Exodus 58,405 1,884 B High
152 Biblical apocrypha 58,255 1,879 B High
153 Late Bronze Age collapse 58,161 1,876 C Mid
154 Babylonia 58,083 1,873 C Top
155 Barabbas 57,942 1,869 C Mid
156 Gethsemane 57,744 1,862 C Low
157 Seth 57,716 1,861 C Low
158 Hebrew alphabet 57,194 1,844 B Top
159 Classical antiquity 56,603 1,825 C High
160 Semitic languages 56,593 1,825 B Low
161 Peloponnesian War 56,587 1,825 C High
162 Cappadocia 56,364 1,818 C Mid
163 Isaac 56,029 1,807 B Low
164 Book of Esther 55,977 1,805 B Mid
165 Deuterocanonical books 55,543 1,791 C Low
166 Midas 54,264 1,750 C Mid
167 Gospel of Matthew 54,153 1,746 B Top
168 Cradle of civilization 53,664 1,731 B Mid
169 Adonis 52,932 1,707 Start Mid
170 Jezebel 52,929 1,707 B Mid
171 History of ancient Israel and Judah 52,618 1,697 C Mid
172 Amalek 52,239 1,685 C Low
173 Josephus 52,121 1,681 C Mid
174 Joseph of Arimathea 51,184 1,651 B Low
175 Kingdom of Israel (united monarchy) 50,726 1,636 C Mid
176 Andrew the Apostle 50,682 1,634 C Top
177 Holy Lance 50,659 1,634 C Low
178 Western Wall 50,507 1,629 B Mid
179 Firmament 50,309 1,622 C Low
180 Complaint tablet to Ea-nāṣir 50,182 1,618 C Low
181 Mausoleum at Halicarnassus 50,175 1,618 C Low
182 James, brother of Jesus 50,143 1,617 B Low
183 Ibiza 49,224 1,587 C Low
184 Gospel of John 49,164 1,585 GA High
185 Siege of Jerusalem (70 CE) 48,812 1,574 C Low
186 Psalms 48,758 1,572 B Top
187 Generations of Noah 48,737 1,572 C Low
188 Salome 48,190 1,554 C Mid
189 Kingdom of Judah 48,173 1,553 C Mid
190 Book of Exodus 47,971 1,547 B Low
191 Mandaeism 47,866 1,544 B Top
192 Isaiah 47,526 1,533 C Low
193 Code of Hammurabi 47,513 1,532 B High
194 Ancient history 47,254 1,524 B Mid
195 Sanhedrin 47,229 1,523 B High
196 Akkadian language 47,015 1,516 C Top
197 Roman emperor 46,951 1,514 C Low
198 Bartholomew the Apostle 46,647 1,504 C Top
199 Persepolis 46,427 1,497 C Top
200 Cassandra 46,192 1,490 C Low
201 Darius III 46,118 1,487 Start Mid
202 Attalus I 46,094 1,486 FA Mid
203 Death of Alexander the Great 45,859 1,479 B High
204 Judaea (Roman province) 45,736 1,475 C Low
205 Biblical canon 45,422 1,465 B Low
206 Phoenician alphabet 45,403 1,464 C Low
207 Whore of Babylon 45,308 1,461 C Low
208 El (deity) 45,041 1,452 C Low
209 Babylonian captivity 44,858 1,447 C Mid
210 Race and appearance of Jesus 44,677 1,441 B Low
211 Historical Jesus 44,624 1,439 B Mid
212 Cleansing of the Temple 44,422 1,432 C Mid
213 British Museum 44,323 1,429 B Mid
214 Curse and mark of Cain 44,292 1,428 B Low
215 Azazel 44,122 1,423 B Low
216 Kingdom of Kush 44,010 1,419 C High
217 Ur 43,877 1,415 C High
218 Asherah 43,517 1,403 B Mid
219 Mental health of Jesus 43,417 1,400 C Low
220 Jonah 43,296 1,396 GA Top
221 Canaanite religion 43,217 1,394 C Top
222 Ecclesiastes 42,711 1,377 B Top
223 Shem 42,618 1,374 C Low
224 Saul 42,549 1,372 B Top
225 Crown of thorns 42,095 1,357 B Low
226 Gospel of Mark 42,014 1,355 B Mid
227 Pharaoh's daughter (Exodus) 41,974 1,354 C Low
228 Caiaphas 41,951 1,353 C Low
229 Qanat 41,882 1,351 C Low
230 Promised Land 41,869 1,350 C Low
231 Afroasiatic languages 41,711 1,345 C High
232 Aaron 41,519 1,339 C Low
233 Synoptic Gospels 41,494 1,338 B Mid
234 Jehovah 41,203 1,329 B Low
235 Tomb of Jesus 40,781 1,315 List Low
236 Herod Antipas 40,605 1,309 B Low
237 Genealogy of Jesus 40,602 1,309 C Mid
238 Uruk 40,587 1,309 B Mid
239 List of New Testament verses not included in modern English translations 40,378 1,302 List High
240 Song of Songs 40,157 1,295 B Low
241 Yahwism 40,032 1,291 C Low
242 The Beast (Revelation) 39,910 1,287 B Mid
243 Book of Deuteronomy 39,624 1,278 C Top
244 Elohim 39,602 1,277 C High
245 Bastet 39,553 1,275 C Mid
246 Catholic Bible 39,361 1,269 C Unknown
247 Brothers of Jesus 39,257 1,266 C Low
248 Genesis flood narrative 39,167 1,263 C Mid
249 Behemoth 39,109 1,261 C Low
250 Ron Wyatt 38,799 1,251 C Low
251 Bathsheba 38,692 1,248 B Low
252 True Cross 38,674 1,247 C Mid
253 Mount Sinai (Bible) 38,427 1,239 B Low
254 Sarah 38,290 1,235 B Mid
255 Tubal-cain 38,143 1,230 C Low
256 Sumerian language 38,059 1,227 B Top
257 Religion in pre-Islamic Arabia 38,057 1,227 GA High
258 Book of Job 37,974 1,224 B Top
259 Edom 37,758 1,218 B Low
260 Sultanate of Rum 37,755 1,217 C Low
261 Seal of Solomon 37,595 1,212 C Low
262 Job (biblical figure) 37,526 1,210 C Top
263 Daniel (biblical figure) 37,306 1,203 C Top
264 Jeremiah 37,221 1,200 B Low
265 Eve 37,154 1,198 B Low
266 Tabernacle 36,642 1,182 B Low
267 Ancient Olympic Games 35,882 1,157 B Top
268 Ascension of Jesus 35,801 1,154 B Top
269 Book of Leviticus 35,678 1,150 C Top
270 Sargon of Akkad 35,605 1,148 C Mid
271 Enki 35,487 1,144 C High
272 Greco-Persian Wars 35,429 1,142 GA High
273 Pauline epistles 35,347 1,140 C High
274 Medes 35,211 1,135 B Top
275 Ezekiel 35,186 1,135 C Mid
276 Wives aboard Noah's Ark 35,172 1,134 C Low
277 Esau 35,082 1,131 C Low
278 Tiamat 35,002 1,129 C Mid
279 Neo-Assyrian Empire 34,759 1,121 B Top
280 Flood myth 34,673 1,118 B High
281 Elam 34,651 1,117 B Top
282 War in Heaven 34,630 1,117 C Mid
283 List of monarchs of Persia 34,386 1,109 List Low
284 Lot (biblical person) 34,307 1,106 B Low
285 Battle of Marathon 34,028 1,097 GA Low
286 Abraham's family tree 33,913 1,093 C Mid
287 Sanhedrin trial of Jesus 33,615 1,084 C Low
288 Moab 33,521 1,081 Start Mid
289 Marduk 33,518 1,081 Start Mid
290 Jah 33,188 1,070 Start Unknown
291 Gospel of Luke 33,171 1,070 B High
292 Temple in Jerusalem 32,849 1,059 C High
293 Jaffa 32,743 1,056 C Low
294 Book of Daniel 32,734 1,055 B Top
295 Tefillin 32,690 1,054 GA Low
296 Neo-Babylonian Empire 32,544 1,049 B Top
297 I Am that I Am 32,264 1,040 C Top
298 Dhu al-Qarnayn 32,159 1,037 C Mid
299 Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) 32,137 1,036 C Low
300 Ganymede (mythology) 32,125 1,036 B Low
301 İzmir 32,083 1,034 C Top
302 Bar Kokhba revolt 32,003 1,032 B Mid
303 Book of Isaiah 31,832 1,026 C Top
304 Seven trumpets 31,817 1,026 C Mid
305 Ziggurat 31,651 1,021 C High
306 Gehenna 31,291 1,009 C Mid
307 Mark the Evangelist 31,247 1,007 C Low
308 Rachel 31,112 1,003 B Low
309 Ancient Egyptian religion 31,081 1,002 B High
310 Battle of Gaugamela 31,011 1,000 C High
311 Ahasuerus 30,909 997 C Low
312 Aeneas 30,824 994 C Low
313 Japheth 30,718 990 C Low
314 Jethro (biblical figure) 30,451 982 C Low
315 Ten Lost Tribes 30,389 980 B Low
316 Hasmonean dynasty 30,359 979 B Low
317 Binding of Isaac 30,266 976 C Low
318 Hagar 30,220 974 B Low
319 New Kingdom of Egypt 30,190 973 C High
320 Saluki 29,890 964 GA Mid
321 Abu Simbel 29,246 943 C Mid
322 Stateira (wife of Alexander the Great) 29,104 938 Start Low
323 Nabataeans 28,942 933 B High
324 Veil of Veronica 28,681 925 C Low
325 Ziggurat of Ur 28,678 925 C Mid
326 Mandaeans 28,504 919 B Unknown
327 Acts of the Apostles 28,477 918 B Mid
328 Astarte 28,422 916 B Low
329 Iranian calendars 28,418 916 C Low
330 Anu 28,328 913 GA Mid
331 Disciple whom Jesus loved 28,224 910 B Low
332 Denial of Peter 28,133 907 C High
333 Genesis creation narrative 28,079 905 B High
334 Miriam 27,949 901 C Low
335 Sumerian religion 27,949 901 C Mid
336 Acre, Israel 27,901 900 C Mid
337 Golden calf 27,672 892 C Low
338 Syriac language 27,541 888 C Unknown
339 Samuel 27,478 886 B Mid
340 Dagon 27,361 882 B Mid
341 Sheol 27,245 878 C Mid
342 Judah (son of Jacob) 27,237 878 B Low
343 Massacre of the Innocents 27,120 874 C Low
344 Jochebed 26,578 857 B Low
345 Lot's wife 26,494 854 C Low
346 Hebrews 26,488 854 Start High
347 Josephus on Jesus 26,244 846 B Low
348 Chaldea 26,186 844 B Mid
349 Seleucus I Nicator 25,971 837 B Mid
350 Conversion of Paul the Apostle 25,776 831 B Low
351 Rebecca 25,742 830 B Low
352 Essenes 25,622 826 B Low
353 Balaam 25,607 826 C Mid
354 First Epistle to the Corinthians 25,425 820 C Mid
355 Beheading of John the Baptist 25,417 819 C Low
356 The Garden Tomb 25,384 818 C Low
357 Serpents in the Bible 25,197 812 C Low
358 Aramaic alphabet 25,183 812 Start Low
359 Davidic line 25,134 810 B Mid
360 Gideon 25,081 809 B Low
361 Cybele 24,948 804 B High
362 Eye for an eye 24,822 800 C Mid
363 Zecharia Sitchin 24,813 800 C Mid
364 Lydia 24,664 795 C High
365 Herodian kingdom 24,584 793 Start Low
366 Hammurabi 24,439 788 GA Top
367 Battle of Jericho 24,430 788 C Low
368 Timeline of the name Palestine 24,389 786 List High
369 Tantalus 24,352 785 C Unknown
370 Land of Goshen 24,273 783 C Low
371 Enoch (son of Cain) 24,242 782 Start Low
372 Syria Palaestina 24,121 778 C Low
373 Book of Wisdom 24,076 776 C Mid
374 Palmyra 23,968 773 FA Mid
375 Seven seals 23,828 768 C Mid
376 New Testament apocrypha 23,688 764 B High
377 El Shaddai 23,566 760 C Low
378 Çatalhöyük 23,399 754 C Mid
379 Pre-Islamic Arabia 23,352 753 C Low
380 Flagellation of Christ 23,230 749 C Mid
381 Four Evangelists 23,171 747 C Top
382 Susa 22,876 737 C Mid
383 Beersheba 22,859 737 B Low
384 Ishtar Gate 22,825 736 C Mid
385 Lamech (father of Noah) 22,813 735 C Low
386 Enlil 22,726 733 GA High
387 Language of Jesus 22,719 732 B Low
388 Battle of Actium 22,660 730 C Mid
389 Book of Judith 22,517 726 B Mid
390 The Bible and slavery 22,399 722 C High
391 Ishmaelites 22,355 721 C Low
392 Ur of the Chaldees 22,333 720 C Mid
393 Amen 22,322 720 C Mid
394 Book of Tobit 22,129 713 C Low
395 List of Mesopotamian deities 22,016 710 FL High
396 Himyarite Kingdom 21,973 708 C Mid
397 Old Testament messianic prophecies quoted in the New Testament 21,888 706 B Low
398 Hezekiah 21,837 704 B High
399 Lot's daughters 21,773 702 C Low
400 Barnabas 21,730 700 B Low
401 Book of Jubilees 21,651 698 C Low
402 Book of Sirach 21,640 698 B Mid
403 Satrap 21,563 695 C Mid
404 Josiah 21,500 693 B Top
405 Feeding the multitude 21,385 689 C Low
406 Kingdom of Armenia (antiquity) 21,344 688 Start Mid
407 Abel 21,318 687 C Mid
408 Kings of Israel and Judah 21,316 687 List Mid
409 The Three Marys 21,244 685 C Low
410 Living creatures (Bible) 21,178 683 C High
411 Gershom 21,078 679 C Unknown
412 Phrygia 21,074 679 C Mid
413 Delilah 21,008 677 GA Low
414 Artaxerxes I 20,940 675 Start Low
415 Masoretic Text 20,910 674 B Low
416 Proto-Sinaitic script 20,895 674 B Mid
417 Terah 20,873 673 B Low
418 Muhammad and the Bible 20,816 671 C Low
419 Shuaib 20,812 671 C Low
420 Sabaeans 20,761 669 C Low
421 Book of Joshua 20,729 668 B Mid
422 Absalom 20,649 666 C Low
423 Bahamut 20,565 663 Start Unknown
424 Law of Moses 20,539 662 C Mid
425 Burial of Jesus 20,351 656 C Top
426 Antiochus IV Epiphanes 20,289 654 C Low
427 Classical Greece 20,169 650 B Top
428 Biblical Hebrew 20,141 649 GA High
429 Fall of Babylon 20,106 648 C Top
430 Leah 20,061 647 C Low
431 Mary of Bethany 20,004 645 B Mid
432 Mary of Clopas 19,812 639 C Low
433 Ancient Mesopotamian religion 19,736 636 C Mid
434 Paradise 19,697 635 C Unknown
435 Life of Jesus 19,677 634 B Low
436 Shamash 19,658 634 B Top
437 Battle of Plataea 19,601 632 GA Mid
438 List of kings of Babylon 19,593 632 List Top
439 Empty tomb 19,449 627 C Top
440 Amorites 19,369 624 C Mid
441 Deborah 19,319 623 B Mid
442 Rahab 19,309 622 C Low
443 Maccabean Revolt 19,239 620 B Mid
444 Book of Numbers 19,234 620 B Top
445 Tribe of Judah 19,225 620 C Mid
446 Sumerian King List 19,178 618 B Top
447 Zealots 19,170 618 C Low
448 Onan 19,130 617 C Low
449 Levi 19,091 615 B Low
450 Pazuzu 19,082 615 C Low
451 Second Temple period 19,054 614 C Top
452 King of Kings 18,819 607 GA Low
453 Mitanni 18,707 603 B Mid
454 Arameans 18,673 602 C Mid
455 Battle of Kadesh 18,646 601 B Mid
456 Hellenistic Judaism 18,574 599 C Unknown
457 Enūma Eliš 18,565 598 C Low
458 Magi 18,503 596 C Mid
459 Natufian culture 18,387 593 C Low
460 Kohl (cosmetics) 18,359 592 C Low
461 Authorship of the Bible 18,251 588 C High
462 2 Enoch 18,243 588 C Low
463 Ancient Semitic-speaking peoples 18,213 587 C High
464 Gilead 18,043 582 C Low
465 Capernaum 18,027 581 C Mid
466 Hadad 17,973 579 C Mid
467 Rehoboam 17,958 579 B Low
468 Joachim 17,950 579 C Low
469 Enkidu 17,887 577 Start Low
470 Temple menorah 17,879 576 B Mid
471 Herod Agrippa 17,805 574 B Low
472 Second Temple Judaism 17,799 574 C Mid
473 Al-Lat 17,727 571 B Low
474 List of women in the Bible 17,655 569 List Mid
475 Ishtar 17,623 568 NA NA
476 Wedding at Cana 17,596 567 C High
477 Prophets in Judaism 17,547 566 List Mid
478 Harran 17,544 565 C Low
479 Great Tribulation 17,529 565 Start Low
480 Urartu 17,478 563 C High
481 Orthodox Tewahedo biblical canon 17,467 563 C Mid
482 Judgement of Solomon 17,417 561 B Low
483 Daniel in the lions' den 17,315 558 C High
484 Zechariah (New Testament figure) 17,102 551 B High
485 Stateira (wife of Darius III) 17,088 551 Start Low
486 Epistle to the Romans 17,050 550 B Top
487 Arabia Petraea 17,047 549 C Low
488 Book of Ezekiel 17,020 549 B Top
489 Polis 17,013 548 C High
490 Ashkelon 17,011 548 B Mid
491 Elisha 16,965 547 C Top
492 Archaic Greece 16,933 546 B Low
493 Siege of Jerusalem (587 BC) 16,858 543 C High
494 Benjamin 16,835 543 C Low
495 Stele 16,818 542 Start Mid
496 Cimmerians 16,807 542 C Low
497 Epistle of James 16,805 542 C Low
498 Minoan eruption 16,766 540 GA Mid
499 Sin (mythology) 16,721 539 Start Mid
500 Historicity of the Bible 16,615 535 B Low
501 Ahab 16,592 535 B High
502 Ruth (biblical figure) 16,591 535 B Low
503 Vashti 16,500 532 C Low
504 Epistle to the Hebrews 16,456 530 B Low
505 Ancient Near East 16,428 529 C Top
506 Book of Proverbs 16,422 529 C Mid
507 Disciple (Christianity) 16,376 528 C Mid
508 Dating the Bible 16,352 527 C Low
509 Old Babylonian Empire 16,338 527 Start High
510 Archimedes' screw 16,220 523 C Low
511 Tel Megiddo 16,176 521 B Mid
512 Abomination of desolation 16,112 519 B Mid
513 Nergal 16,062 518 B Low
514 Third Dynasty of Ur 16,044 517 Start Top
515 Thamud 16,018 516 C Low
516 Amram 15,985 515 Start Low
517 Enos (biblical figure) 15,981 515 C Low
518 Apkallu 15,974 515 C Low
519 Rich man and Lazarus 15,918 513 B Low
520 Paleo-Hebrew alphabet 15,911 513 B Mid
521 Cambyses II 15,877 512 C Mid
522 Ghassanids 15,834 510 C Low
523 Nevi'im 15,813 510 C Mid
524 Relics associated with Jesus 15,768 508 C High
525 Mount Horeb 15,720 507 B Mid
526 Ricardo Eichmann 15,701 506 Start Low
527 Roman–Persian Wars 15,688 506 B High
528 Books of Samuel 15,659 505 C Mid
529 Canaan (son of Ham) 15,614 503 C Low
530 Phoenician language 15,555 501 C Low
531 Dumuzid 15,546 501 GA Mid
532 Hittite language 15,540 501 B Mid
533 Parthia 15,507 500 B Top
534 Bithynia 15,488 499 Start Mid
535 Book of Jonah 15,488 499 B Top
536 Caesarea Maritima 15,394 496 C Mid
537 Matthias the Apostle 15,375 495 C Mid
538 Book of Ruth 15,366 495 C Top
539 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image 15,341 494 B Mid
540 Dinah 15,323 494 C Low
541 Cataphract 15,296 493 C Low
542 Caleb 15,219 490 C Low
543 Battle of Issus 15,207 490 Start Mid
544 Kingdom of Pontus 15,070 486 Start Mid
545 Ashurbanipal 15,038 485 GA Top
546 Middle Kingdom of Egypt 14,999 483 B Top
547 Semiramis 14,940 481 C Top
548 Keturah 14,908 480 GA Low
549 Sheba 14,894 480 C Low
550 Samaritan woman at the well 14,837 478 C Low
551 Delian League 14,803 477 Start High
552 Sexuality of Jesus 14,696 474 C Low
553 Land of Nod 14,652 472 C Low
554 Personal relationships of Alexander the Great 14,599 470 B Mid
555 Sennacherib 14,562 469 FA Top
556 Belshazzar's feast 14,535 468 C Low
557 Ubaid period 14,494 467 B Mid
558 Perpetual virginity of Mary 14,342 462 B Low
559 Lamassu 14,280 460 Start High
560 Historical reliability of the Gospels 14,204 458 C Mid
561 Mount Gerizim 14,204 458 B Low
562 Book of Judges 14,178 457 B Mid
563 Histories (Herodotus) 14,133 455 C Mid
564 Tree of life (biblical) 14,060 453 Start High
565 Merneptah Stele 14,051 453 C Low
566 Origins of Judaism 14,041 452 B High
567 The Twelve Spies 14,007 451 C Low
568 Bodrum 13,919 449 C High
569 Ammon 13,876 447 B Unknown
570 Ugarit 13,872 447 C High
571 Second Persian invasion of Greece 13,807 445 GA Mid
572 Shekel 13,754 443 C Mid
573 Khopesh 13,728 442 Start Low
574 Ionia 13,625 439 Start Mid
575 Immortals (Achaemenid Empire) 13,556 437 Start Low
576 Nabataean Kingdom 13,453 433 C Mid
577 Byblos 13,446 433 C Top
578 David and Jonathan 13,403 432 C Low
579 Ereshkigal 13,393 432 B Mid
580 Etemenanki 13,386 431 C Unknown
581 Galatians (people) 13,303 429 C Low
582 Canaanite languages 13,255 427 C Low
583 Sicarii 13,236 426 C Low
584 Tribe of Levi 13,176 425 C Mid
585 Jesus walking on water 13,118 423 B Low
586 Susanna (Book of Daniel) 13,117 423 C Low
587 Books of Kings 13,102 422 B Top
588 Ephraim 13,054 421 C Low
589 Book of Hosea 12,966 418 B Top
590 Hillel the Elder 12,923 416 C Low
591 Malachi 12,919 416 C High
592 Bardiya 12,915 416 C Low
593 Assyrian eclipse 12,889 415 Start Low
594 Judas Maccabeus 12,869 415 C High
595 Old Persian 12,790 412 C Top
596 Epistle to the Galatians 12,775 412 C Mid
597 Median state 12,768 411 B Unknown
598 Virgin birth of Jesus 12,759 411 B High
599 Lucian 12,721 410 GA High
600 Shechem 12,670 408 C High
601 History of Mesopotamia 12,659 408 C Mid
602 Croesus 12,590 406 Start Mid
603 Cyrus Cylinder 12,550 404 GA High
604 Eridu 12,543 404 B Mid
605 Ketuvim 12,476 402 C Mid
606 Cush (Bible) 12,466 402 B Low
607 Tamar (Genesis) 12,439 401 B Low
608 Forced conversion 12,423 400 B Mid
609 Logos (Christianity) 12,404 400 C High
610 Royal Game of Ur 12,388 399 GA Mid
611 Hattusa 12,379 399 C Mid
612 Book of Lamentations 12,378 399 B Top
613 Atenism 12,362 398 C Mid
614 Books of Chronicles 12,345 398 B Mid
615 Baal Hammon 12,342 398 C Low
616 Staff of Moses 12,321 397 C Low
617 Legion (demons) 12,297 396 C Low
618 Gamaliel 12,258 395 C Low
619 Lamech (descendant of Cain) 12,227 394 Start Low
620 Priscilla and Aquila 12,206 393 C Mid
621 Chronology of the Bible 12,186 393 C Low
622 Manasseh of Judah 12,171 392 B Mid
623 Book of Jeremiah 12,165 392 B Top
624 Witch of Endor 12,061 389 B Low
625 Philistia 12,052 388 B Low
626 Anatolian languages 12,036 388 Start Low
627 Priam 11,977 386 Start Mid
628 Babylonian religion 11,965 385 Start Mid
629 Epistle to the Ephesians 11,955 385 C Mid
630 Tribe of Ephraim 11,941 385 B Mid
631 Jebusites 11,908 384 C Low
632 Cyrus the Great in the Bible 11,883 383 B Mid
633 Naamah (Genesis) 11,843 382 Start Low
634 Jude, brother of Jesus 11,820 381 C Low
635 Son of God (Christianity) 11,776 379 C Top
636 Uriah the Hittite 11,768 379 C Low
637 Akkad (city) 11,735 378 C High
638 Searches for Noah's Ark 11,651 375 C Low
639 Dilmun 11,634 375 C Mid
640 Jesse (biblical figure) 11,615 374 B Low
641 Bethsaida 11,517 371 C Low
642 Kings of Judah 11,517 371 List Unknown
643 Ish-bosheth 11,510 371 C Low
644 Zedekiah 11,506 371 C Low
645 Lycia 11,498 370 C Mid
646 Boaz 11,445 369 C Low
647 Herodias 11,411 368 Start Unknown
648 Elizabeth (biblical figure) 11,369 366 C Mid
649 Zerubbabel 11,367 366 B Mid
650 Luxor Temple 11,358 366 Start Mid
651 Edessa 11,348 366 C Mid
652 Anat 11,313 364 B High
653 Heaven in Judaism 11,268 363 C Unknown
654 Asherah pole 11,254 363 C Low
655 Non-canonical books referenced in the Bible 11,249 362 List Mid
656 Jeroboam 11,238 362 C Mid
657 Criterion of embarrassment 11,234 362 C Unknown
658 Biblical numerology 11,217 361 C Low
659 Book of Malachi 11,168 360 B Top
660 1 Maccabees 11,144 359 C Low
661 Ancient Semitic religion 11,121 358 Start High
662 Herodian tetrarchy 11,055 356 C Low
663 Og 11,037 356 C Low
664 Epistle of Jude 11,028 355 C Top
665 Antiochus III the Great 11,014 355 C Mid
666 Theophilus (biblical) 11,007 355 C Mid
667 Hurrians 11,007 355 B Top
668 Southern Levant 10,959 353 C Mid
669 Cappadocia (Roman province) 10,959 353 Start Unknown
670 Lamashtu 10,943 353 C Low
671 Anti-Semitism in Christianity 10,850 350 C Low
672 Eli (biblical figure) 10,817 348 B Mid
673 Al-Uzza 10,808 348 C Low
674 Belshazzar 10,795 348 C Mid
675 Hebrew Bible judges 10,746 346 C High
676 Development of the New Testament canon 10,663 343 B Low
677 Artaxerxes II 10,651 343 Start Top
678 Star of Bethlehem 10,630 342 GA Low
679 Jehoshaphat 10,590 341 B Unknown
680 List of Assyrian kings 10,568 340 List Top
681 Anak 10,558 340 C Low
682 Sardis 10,549 340 B Mid
683 Achaemenid dynasty 10,514 339 Start Low
684 Tophet 10,469 337 Start Low
685 Roman Syria 10,468 337 C Low
686 Potiphar's wife 10,449 337 Start Low
687 Adamic language 10,416 336 B Low
688 Uruk period 10,386 335 B Mid
689 Tribe of Dan 10,376 334 B Low
690 List of minor biblical places 10,348 333 List Low
691 Nehemiah 10,282 331 Start Unknown
692 Ancient Iranian religion 10,273 331 C Low
693 Andronovo culture 10,230 330 B Mid
694 Behistun Inscription 10,226 329 C Unknown
695 Eber 10,194 328 C Mid
696 Son of man (Christianity) 10,164 327 C Mid
697 Thou shalt not commit adultery 10,129 326 B Low
698 Return to Zion 10,121 326 C High
699 Gilgamesh flood myth 10,074 324 C High
700 Ancient Mesopotamian underworld 10,070 324 C High
701 Qumran 10,008 322 C Mid
702 Sumerian creation myth 10,006 322 C Low
703 Jared (biblical figure) 9,984 322 Start Low
704 Black Sea deluge hypothesis 9,956 321 Start Low
705 Utnapishtim 9,894 319 C Low
706 Assyrian captivity 9,872 318 Start Unknown
707 Samaritan Pentateuch 9,847 317 B Low
708 Witchcraft and divination in the Hebrew Bible 9,845 317 C Mid
709 Medjay 9,836 317 B Low
710 Ninurta 9,821 316 GA Mid
711 Judaizers 9,802 316 C Mid
712 Mesha Stele 9,781 315 B High
713 Artaxerxes III 9,773 315 GA Top
714 Nabonidus 9,764 314 GA Unknown
715 First Epistle of Peter 9,744 314 C Mid
716 Scribe 9,704 313 C Low
717 Sea goat 9,674 312 C Unknown
718 Assur 9,664 311 C Mid
719 Pasargadae 9,640 310 Start Low
720 Documentary hypothesis 9,639 310 C Top
721 Ashur (god) 9,557 308 Start Unknown
722 4.2-kiloyear event 9,478 305 Start Low
723 Abzu 9,433 304 C Low
724 Tamar (daughter of David) 9,416 303 C Low
725 Rejection of Jesus 9,397 303 C Low
726 Herod Archelaus 9,389 302 C Low
727 Aurignacian 9,383 302 Start High
728 Hurrian language 9,375 302 B Mid
729 Ardashir I 9,358 301 B Top
730 Nimrud 9,334 301 Start Mid
731 Annas 9,332 301 Start Low
732 City of David (archaeological site) 9,283 299 C Low
733 Yehud Medinata 9,281 299 C Mid
734 List of ancient great powers 9,261 298 List Low
735 Darius II 9,234 297 Start Unknown
736 Magdala 9,201 296 B Mid
737 Tomb of Cyrus the Great 9,170 295 Start Unknown
738 Decapolis 9,157 295 C Mid
739 Anakim 9,135 294 Start Low
740 Council of Jerusalem 9,133 294 B Low
741 Timeline of Jerusalem 9,107 293 List Mid
742 Sargon II 9,103 293 GA Top
743 Peshitta 9,096 293 B Low
744 Magog (Bible) 9,027 291 C Low
745 Life of Adam and Eve 9,020 290 B Unknown
746 Middle Assyrian Empire 9,008 290 C Unknown
747 Battle of the Granicus 9,004 290 B Unknown
748 Jehu 8,997 290 C Mid
749 Naram-Sin of Akkad 8,980 289 C High
750 Johannine Comma 8,959 289 C Low
751 Tel Dan stele 8,956 288 C Low
752 Mount Nemrut 8,929 288 Start Unknown
753 Dormition of the Mother of God 8,926 287 B Mid
754 Ophir 8,926 287 Start Mid
755 Hannah (biblical figure) 8,904 287 C Low
756 Let there be light 8,891 286 C Low
757 Ananias and Sapphira 8,891 286 C Low
758 Book of Obadiah 8,880 286 C Low
759 Mesopotamian myths 8,875 286 Start Low
760 Book of Ezra 8,832 284 B Top
761 Humbaba 8,820 284 B Low
762 Raising of Jairus' daughter 8,817 284 C Low
763 Northwest Semitic languages 8,805 284 Start Mid
764 Persis 8,802 283 Start Low
765 Early Dynastic Period (Mesopotamia) 8,785 283 B Mid
766 Sons of David 8,783 283 C Low
767 Elamite language 8,783 283 C Mid
768 Book of Zechariah 8,721 281 B Top
769 Rephaite 8,703 280 Start Low
770 Arpachshad 8,695 280 C Low
771 Azura (religious figure) 8,684 280 Stub Low
772 Ancient literature 8,678 279 List Unknown
773 Asher 8,645 278 Start Low
774 Mount Seir 8,626 278 Start Low
775 Bessus 8,588 277 GA Low
776 Hurrian songs 8,586 276 B Unknown
777 Mušḫuššu 8,572 276 Start Mid
778 Phrygians 8,547 275 C Unknown
779 Potiphar 8,535 275 Start Low
780 Enheduanna 8,524 274 B Low
781 Ecbatana 8,523 274 Start Low
782 Canaanites 8,442 272 NA NA
783 Chemosh 8,418 271 C Low
784 Laban (Bible) 8,401 271 Stub Low
785 Reuben (son of Jacob) 8,385 270 C Low
786 Epistle to the Philippians 8,346 269 C Mid
787 Bilhah 8,344 269 C Low
788 Ethiopian eunuch 8,304 267 C Low
789 Darius the Mede 8,281 267 B Low
790 A True Story 8,267 266 B Mid
791 Samarra 8,214 264 C Unknown
792 Attis 8,212 264 Start Mid
793 Asenath 8,166 263 C Low
794 Tanit 8,162 263 B Mid
795 Amarna letters 8,159 263 C High
796 Luwian language 8,152 262 B Unknown
797 Hama 8,152 262 B Mid
798 Athaliah 8,112 261 C Mid
799 Book of Habakkuk 8,075 260 C Top
800 Shatt al-Arab 8,068 260 C Low
801 Library of Ashurbanipal 8,068 260 Start Unknown
802 King of the Universe 8,065 260 GA Low
803 Shinar 8,064 260 C Mid
804 Malik 8,034 259 Start Low
805 Proto-cuneiform 8,026 258 C Mid
806 Tell (archaeology) 8,013 258 Start Mid
807 Ebla 8,010 258 GA Mid
808 Persian mythology 8,002 258 Start Mid
809 Phrygian language 7,972 257 Start Mid
810 Book of Nehemiah 7,954 256 B Top
811 Ninhursag 7,945 256 B Mid
812 Third Intermediate Period of Egypt 7,921 255 Start Unknown
813 Kish (Sumer) 7,916 255 B Mid
814 Mari, Syria 7,896 254 GA High
815 Gutian rule in Mesopotamia 7,886 254 B High
816 Kenites 7,879 254 C Low
817 Uzziah 7,870 253 B Mid
818 Bel and the Dragon 7,861 253 C Mid
819 Herod Agrippa II 7,853 253 B Unknown
820 History of the ancient Levant 7,845 253 B Mid
821 First Epistle to the Thessalonians 7,833 252 C Mid
822 Old Arabic 7,828 252 C Low
823 Hattians 7,823 252 Start Unknown
824 Michal 7,802 251 C Low
825 Deuteronomist 7,795 251 B Low
826 Jeconiah 7,793 251 B High
827 Roman–Seleucid war 7,793 251 GA Low
828 Second Intermediate Period of Egypt 7,790 251 Start High
829 Hittite mythology and religion 7,718 248 C Mid
830 Anzû 7,707 248 Start Mid
831 Nabu 7,701 248 C Mid
832 Devil in the arts and popular culture 7,694 248 C Low
833 Battle of Megiddo (15th century BC) 7,692 248 C Low
834 Babylonian calendar 7,689 248 Start High
835 Table of prophets of Abrahamic religions 7,636 246 List Low
836 Biblical Hittites 7,608 245 B Low
837 Ionian Revolt 7,606 245 C Low
838 Ascalon 7,573 244 B Mid
839 Aram (region) 7,558 243 Start Low
840 Proto-Semitic language 7,556 243 C Low
841 Quest for the historical Jesus 7,534 243 C Low
842 Kassites 7,479 241 C Mid
843 List of the Dead Sea Scrolls 7,476 241 List Mid
844 Xerxes II 7,473 241 Start Unknown
845 Baal Cycle 7,468 240 Start Mid
846 Selah (biblical figure) 7,467 240 Start Low
847 Composition of the Torah 7,425 239 C Low
848 Pelops 7,416 239 Start Low
849 Epistle 7,408 238 C Low
850 First Persian invasion of Greece 7,374 237 GA Mid
851 List of High Priests of Israel 7,370 237 List Mid
852 2 Esdras 7,366 237 B Low
853 The Bible and violence 7,360 237 B Low
854 Animals in the Bible 7,302 235 List High
855 Beit She'an 7,300 235 B Low
856 Book of Baruch 7,295 235 C Mid
857 Ugaritic 7,261 234 C Mid
858 Tell es-Sultan 7,253 233 C Mid
859 Epistle to the Colossians 7,252 233 C Mid
860 Theories about Alexander the Great in the Quran 7,250 233 B Low
861 Tigranes the Great 7,203 232 C Unknown
862 Historicity of the Iliad 7,197 232 B Low
863 Zadok 7,184 231 C Mid
864 Niobe 7,181 231 Start Low
865 Arses of Persia 7,181 231 C Low
866 Epistle to Philemon 7,171 231 C Top
867 First Epistle to Timothy 7,163 231 C Mid
868 Herodian dynasty 7,136 230 C Mid
869 Cana 7,127 229 C Low
870 Clay tablet 7,112 229 Start Top
871 Phinehas 7,103 229 C Low
872 Biblical Aramaic 7,102 229 C Mid
873 Gutian people 7,033 226 Start Mid
874 Nahor, son of Serug 7,006 226 Start Low
875 Havilah 6,986 225 Stub Low
876 Peleg 6,983 225 Start Low
877 Lukka lands 6,938 223 Stub Unknown
878 Ten Thousand 6,916 223 Start Low
879 Naqsh-e Rostam 6,898 222 Start Low
880 Proskynesis 6,896 222 Start Low
881 Proto-Indo-Iranian language 6,891 222 C Low
882 First Epistle of John 6,879 221 C Mid
883 Book of Joel 6,870 221 B Mid
884 Genealogies of Genesis 6,841 220 List High
885 Lagash 6,823 220 B High
886 Caria 6,807 219 Start Low
887 Tiglath-Pileser III 6,806 219 GA Top
888 Jehoiakim 6,774 218 C Mid
889 Manasseh (tribal patriarch) 6,758 218 C Low
890 Census of Quirinius 6,727 217 C Low
891 Melqart 6,725 216 C Mid
892 Abyss (religion) 6,720 216 C Low
893 Nathan (son of David) 6,698 216 C High
894 Jahwist 6,682 215 C Low
895 Battle of Nineveh (612 BC) 6,679 215 Stub Mid
896 Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera 6,673 215 C Low
897 List of biblical figures identified in extra-biblical sources 6,655 214 List Mid
898 The Jewish War 6,644 214 C Low
899 Architecture of Mesopotamia 6,610 213 C High
900 Nebuchadnezzar I 6,608 213 Start Unknown
901 Samiri 6,605 213 C Low
902 Haran 6,599 212 Stub Low
903 Simeon (son of Jacob) 6,578 212 B Low
904 Stolen body hypothesis 6,571 211 C Low
905 History of ancient numeral systems 6,570 211 Start Mid
906 Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egypt 6,560 211 C Low
907 Code of Ur-Nammu 6,547 211 Start High
908 Jerash 6,538 210 C Low
909 Ur-Nammu 6,535 210 Start Top
910 Pishon 6,527 210 C Low
911 Sources and parallels of the Exodus 6,526 210 B Mid
912 Hellenistic art 6,521 210 B Mid
913 Targum 6,508 209 B Low
914 Esther (given name) 6,503 209 List Low
915 Old Assyrian period 6,497 209 Start Mid
916 Dura-Europos 6,495 209 C Low
917 Anatolian peoples 6,492 209 Start High
918 Ningishzida 6,479 209 Start Unknown
919 Atargatis 6,467 208 Start Low
920 Levite's concubine 6,431 207 C Low
921 Media (region) 6,424 207 Start Mid
922 Jezreel Valley 6,415 206 C Low
923 Samaritan script 6,407 206 Start Unknown
924 Nippur 6,401 206 C High
925 Star of Ishtar 6,385 205 Start Low
926 Criminal investigation 6,352 204 Start Low
927 Imperial Aramaic 6,350 204 C Mid
928 Esarhaddon 6,345 204 GA Mid
929 Seleucid dynasty 6,320 203 List Unknown
930 Kenan 6,315 203 Start Low
931 Barachiel 6,313 203 Start Low
932 Zipporah at the inn 6,308 203 C Low
933 Hellenistic Greece 6,283 202 C Low
934 Horned deity 6,243 201 C Mid
935 Daniel's final vision 6,233 201 B Low
936 Samaria (ancient city) 6,232 201 B Low
937 The truth will set you free 6,230 200 Start Low
938 Tribe of Manasseh 6,225 200 C Low
939 Asa of Judah 6,215 200 B Low
940 Old Persian cuneiform 6,210 200 B Top
941 Art of Mesopotamia 6,201 200 B Top
942 Shmita 6,191 199 B Mid
943 Babylonian astronomy 6,183 199 C Mid
944 Ki (goddess) 6,175 199 Start Unknown
945 Achaemenid conquest of the Indus Valley 6,173 199 Start Low
946 Queen of Heaven (antiquity) 6,169 199 B Mid
947 Shasu 6,162 198 B Low
948 Temple of Edfu 6,158 198 B Low
949 Internal consistency of the Bible 6,150 198 B Top
950 Abimelech 6,145 198 Stub Low
951 Authorship of the Pauline epistles 6,131 197 B Low
952 Book of Micah 6,101 196 B Top
953 List of cities founded by Alexander the Great 6,072 195 FL Mid
954 Ahaz 6,071 195 B Mid
955 Ahaziah of Judah 6,062 195 C Mid
956 1 Esdras 5,994 193 C Low
957 Battle of the Eclipse 5,988 193 Start Unknown
958 Salem (Bible) 5,981 192 Stub Low
959 2 Maccabees 5,978 192 C Low
960 Book of Amos 5,961 192 B Top
961 Nabataean script 5,931 191 Start Low
962 West Semitic languages 5,919 190 Stub Low
963 Atossa 5,905 190 Start Low
964 Alexander Sarcophagus 5,902 190 Start Low
965 Parthian language 5,888 189 Start Low
966 Jehoash of Judah 5,885 189 C Mid
967 Bull of Heaven 5,877 189 GA Low
968 Bezalel 5,858 188 Start Low
969 Median Empire 5,830 188 NA NA
970 Manisa 5,830 188 Start Unknown
971 Mosaic authorship 5,820 187 B Low
972 Central Semitic languages 5,806 187 Stub Low
973 Tower of Jericho 5,802 187 Start Unknown
974 Ziusudra 5,796 186 B Mid
975 Book of Nahum 5,785 186 C Mid
976 Nabopolassar 5,783 186 GA Top
977 Battle of Artemisium 5,753 185 A Mid
978 Kushim (Uruk period) 5,750 185 Start Low
979 Sisygambis 5,750 185 Start Low
980 Mandaic language 5,746 185 C High
981 Naamah (wife of Solomon) 5,736 185 Start Low
982 Mahalalel 5,724 184 Start Low
983 Second Epistle to the Corinthians 5,709 184 C Mid
984 Jonathan (1 Samuel) 5,709 184 C Mid
985 Babylonian mathematics 5,689 183 B Mid
986 Psalm 151 5,688 183 B Low
987 Cyaxares 5,658 182 Start High
988 Intertestamental period 5,642 182 Start Low
989 Serug 5,598 180 Stub Low
990 Western Armenia 5,591 180 C High
991 Gilgal 5,578 179 C Low
992 Assyrian siege of Jerusalem 5,570 179 Start Low
993 Babylonian astrology 5,568 179 Start High
994 Peleset 5,559 179 B Low
995 List of cities of the ancient Near East 5,537 178 List Top
996 Lugal-irra and Meslamta-ea 5,526 178 Stub Low
997 Osroene 5,522 178 C Mid
998 Abijah of Judah 5,518 178 C Mid
999 Hur (Bible) 5,512 177 Start Low
1000 Eleazar 5,505 177 Start Low